Digital Agriculture

This page contains an outline of the topics, content, and assignments for the course. Note that this schedule will be updated as the course progresses, with all changes documented here.

Week Date Topic Teachers Prepare Slides Code’n Practice Assignment Project
1 Mon, 9:00-9:45 Welcome to Digital Ag (HC) Miel Hostens πŸ–₯️
Mon, 10:00-10:45 Introduction to statisticalprogramming (WC) Miel Hostens & Belen Rabaglino πŸ“– πŸ–₯️
Mon, 11:00-11h45 Digital transformations in livestock and agriculture (IC) - Part A Miel Hostens πŸ–₯️
Mon, 11:00-11h45 Digital transformations in livestock and agriculture (IC) - Part B
Mon, 13:15-15:00 Introduction to team project (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“‚
Mon, 15:15-17:00 A guideline to reproducible & FAIR data science (IC) Miel Hostens πŸ“–
Tue, 13:00-17:00 Team project - farm visit On your own
Wed, 13:15-17:00 Statistical programming (WC) Yara Slegers & Belen Rabaglino πŸ“– πŸ’»
Th, 9:00-12:00 Challenges of data privacy (IC) Hans vernooij πŸ“– πŸ–₯️
Fr, 11:00-12:45 Update on team project (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“‚
Fr, 17:00 Programming assignment deadline πŸ“‹
2 Mon, 11:00-12:45 Modelling biological linear processes (WC) Jan van den Broek πŸ“–
Tue, 13:15-17:00 Visualisation techniques for biological processes (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“– πŸ–₯️
Wed, 13:15-17:00 R Programming (WC) Yara Slegers & Belen Rabaglino πŸ“–
Fr, 11:00-12:45 Update on team project (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“‚
Fr, 17:00 Programming assignment deadline πŸ“‹
3 Tue, 9:00-10:45 Data transformation techniques - logical vectors and numbers (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“–
Tue, 11:00-12:45 Data transformation techniques - strings and regular expressions (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“–
Tue, 13:15-15:00 Data transformation techniques - factors, datatimes and missing values (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“–
Wed, 9:00-10:45 Data transformation techniques - join and aggregation methods (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“–
Wed, 13:15-17:00 R Programming (WC) Yara Slegers & Belen Rabaglino
Fr, 11:00-12:45 Update on team project (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“‚
Fr, 17:00 Programming assignment deadline πŸ“‹
4 Mo, 14:15-17:00 Industry visit at Lely Elisa Vrieze πŸ“–
Tue, 13:15-14:15 Reproducible & FAIR data science (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“–
Tue, 14:15-17:00 R Programming (WC) Yara Slegers & Belen Rabaglino πŸ“–
Wed, 13:15-17:00 Prediction modelling for biological processes (WC) Belen Rabaglino πŸ“–
Fr, 14:15-16:00 Update on team project (WC) Miel Hostens πŸ“‚
Fr, 17:00 Programming assignment deadline πŸ“‹
Tue, 13:00-17:00 R Programming (WC) Yara Slegers & Belen Rabaglino
Fr, 11:00-12:45 Final project presentation πŸ“‚
Fr, 13:15-15:00 Course evaluation
Fr, 17:00 Programming assignment deadline πŸ“‹