
Versions follow SemVer. The next MAJOR version bump will happen once the library is out of early development stages.

0.3.2 (2023-06-24)#


  • Added mechanism for processing state vectors using callbacks. (#27)

  • Made parameter step_size available for callback functions. (#28)

Improved Documentation#

  • Added documentation to simulation module. (#11)

  • Added usage example to array_assembler. (#12)

  • Added documentation to utilities module. (#14)

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Removed deprecated utility function validate_matrix_positive.

0.3.1 (2023-05-23)#


  • Improved speed of matrix multiplications, output remains the same. (#23)

0.3.0 (2023-05-22)#


  • Warnings are now communicated using warnings.warn instead of logging.warning. (#18)

  • Transition matrices no longer progress one step too far forward in time. (#19)

Improved Documentation#

  • Transition matrices no longer progress one step too far forward in time. (#19)

Deprecations and Removals#

  • Removed deprecated chain_simulator.abstract.AbstractDigitalTwinFacade. (#7)

  • Removed deprecated chain_simulator.implementations.ScipyCSRAssembler and chain_simulator.abstract.AbstractArrayAssemblerV1. (#8)

  • Deprecated use of validate_matrix_positive, use validate_matrix_negative instead. (#21)

0.2.2 (2023-04-21)#


  • Adjusted transition matrix validators to be compatible with SciPy COO/CSC/CSR formats. (#1)