Cow-builder documentation#

This is the documentation of the cow_builder package. Use the indices at the bottom of this page.

Required packages to use this package are chain_simulator and numpy. Additionally, scipy can be used to save and load created transition matrices. These packages are automatically installed when installing the cow_builder package.

Installing the visualisation version will also include matplotlib, which can be used to visualise results from a simulation. How this can be installed is described in the ReadMe of the cow-builder Github repository.

How To Use This Package#

(See the individual classes, methods, and attributes for details.)

Values in this HowTo are examples, see documentation of each class or function for details on the default values.

1. Import the classes DigitalCow and DigitalHerd:#

1) Import the DigitalCow class from the digital_cow module and the DigitalHerd class from the digital_herd module:

from cow_builder.digital_cow import DigitalCow
from cow_builder.digital_herd import DigitalHerd

2. Create a DigitalCow and DigitalHerd object:#

A DigitalCow object can be made without a DigitalHerd object, however it won’t have full functionality until a DigitalHerd is added as its herd.

  1. Without a DigitalHerd object:
    1. Without parameters:

      cow = DigitalCow()
    2. With parameters:

      cow = DigitalCow(days_in_milk=245, lactation_number=3,
      days_pregnant=165, diet_cp_cu=160, diet_cp_fo=140, age=2079, state='Pregnant')

    These parameters may not be all available parameters. Look at each class’ documentation for details.

  2. With a DigitalHerd object:
    1. Without parameters:

      a_herd = DigitalHerd()
      cow = DigitalCow(herd=a_herd)
    2. With parameters:

      a_herd = DigitalHerd(vwp=(365, 90, 70), insemination_window=(110, 100, 90),
      milk_threshold=12, duration_dry=(70, 50))
      cow = DigitalCow(days_in_milk=67, lactation_number=1,
      days_pregnant=0, diet_cp_cu=160, diet_cp_fo=140, age=767, herd=a_herd, state='Open')

    These parameters may not be all available parameters. Look at each class’ documentation for details.

  3. Set the herd of the DigitalCow:
    1. Sets the DigitalHerd as the herd of the DigitalCow:

      a_herd = DigitalHerd()
      cow = DigitalCow(herd=a_herd)
    2. Overwrites the DigitalHerd as the herd of the DigitalCow:

      a_herd = DigitalHerd()
      another_herd = DigitalHerd()
      cow = DigitalCow(herd=a_herd)
      cow.herd = another_herd

    There are other methods that alter the herd of the cow using functions from the DigitalHerd class. These are described in the digital_herd module.

3. Generate states for the DigitalCow object:#

Generate states for the cow using the generate_total_states() function. If you use these to make a transition matrix, this will determine the size of the matrix and thus how far you can simulate.

The days_in_milk_limit parameter determines the maximum number of days within one lactation (The actual number can be less depending on the milk threshold). The lactation_number_limit is the maximum number of lactations that can be completed before culling.

  1. without parameters:


Here the days_in_milk_limit and lactation_number_limit variables from the DigitalHerd object are used.

  1. with parameters:

    cow.generate_total_states(dim_limit=750, ln_limit=9)

4. Create a transition matrix using the chain_simulator package:#

To create a transition matrix from the states of the DigitalCow object, the chain_simulator package must be used.

  1. Create a new transition matrix:

    1) Import array_assembler from the chain_simulator package and the state_probability_generator function from the digital_cow module:

    from chain_simulator.assembly import array_assembler
    from cow_builder.digital_cow import state_probability_generator
    1. Use array_assembler to create a transition matrix:

      tm = array_assembler(state_count=cow.node_count, probability_calculator=state_probability_generator(cow))
    2. Optional: Save the transition matrix to a file using scipy:

      from scipy.sparse import save_npz
      save_npz('transition_matrix.npz', tm, True)
  2. Load an existing transition matrix with scipy:
    1. Load the transition matrix:

      from scipy.sparse import load_npz
      tm = load_npz('transition_matrix.npz')

For details on the parameters of functions from the chain_simulator package, see the corresponding documentation of the chain_simulator package here: chain_simulator

5. Use the chain_simulator package to get a simulation iterator:#

An iterator made with the chain_simulator package is used to perform the simulation.

Note: You are only setting up the simulation in this step.

  1. Import state_vector_processor from the chain_simulator package:

    from chain_simulator.simulation import state_vector_processor

2) Use the transition matrix and the cow’s initial state vector to create an iterator that can simulate the cow over a given number of days:

simulation = state_vector_processor(state_vector=cow.initial_state_vector, transition_matrix=tm, steps=2800, interval=1)

For details on the parameters of functions from the chain_simulator package, see the corresponding documentation of the chain_simulator package here: chain_simulator

6. Create a dictionary with phenotypes and the respective phenotype function from the digital_cow module:#

A dictionary with phenotype functions is needed for the chain_simulator package to calculate the desired phenotypes.

1) Import the functions vector_milk_production and vector_nitrogen_emission from the digital_cow module and the partial function from functools:

from cow_builder.digital_cow import vector_milk_production, vector_nitrogen_emission
from functools import partial
  1. Optional: Create a dictionary to store intermediate results for every phenotype:

    milk_accumulator = {}
    nitrogen_accumulator = {}
  2. Fill in the digital_cow and intermediate_accumulator parameters using partial and add the functions to a dictionary:

    callbacks = {
        "milk": partial(vector_milk_production, digital_cow=cow,
        "nitrogen": partial(vector_nitrogen_emission, digital_cow=cow,

Filling in these parameters here allows the code to refer to these objects and use them without having to give them as parameters to the simulation_accumulator function nor having it return them. If the intermediate_accumulator is skipped in step 2, it does not need to be filled in.

7. Run the simulation:#

Run the simulation using the simulation_accumulator function from the chain_simulator package.

  1. Import the simulation_accumulator function from the chain_simulator package:

    from chain_simulator.utilities import simulation_accumulator
  2. Run the simulation to get a dictionary with the accumulated phenotype values at the end of the simulation:

    accumulated = simulation_accumulator(simulation, **callbacks)

For details on the parameters of functions from the chain_simulator package, see the corresponding documentation of the chain_simulator package here: chain_simulator

8. Optional: Print the results and use Matplotlib to plot the simulation:#

Extract the results from the dictionary or plot the simulation using the intermediate results and matplotlib.

  1. Print the results from the simulation:

        f"The milk production is: {accumulated['milk']} kg\n"
        f"The nitrogen emission is: {accumulated['nitrogen']} g"
  2. Plot the simulation using the intermediate results:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    x_points = np.asarray([key for key in milk_accumulator.keys()])
    y_points = np.asarray([value for value in milk_accumulator.values()])
    plt.plot(x_points, y_points, label='milk production (kg)')
    x_points = np.asarray([key for key in nitrogen_accumulator.keys()])
    y_points = np.asarray([value for value in nitrogen_accumulator.values()])
    plt.plot(x_points, y_points, label='nitrogen emission (g)')

Plotting the simulation requires the user to track the intermediate results.

Indices and tables#